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What is Jwc?

Jwc is a JavaScript framework for using JSX to write web components on the web. It builds on the Web Components standard and provides a simple function-based API for writing components.


JWC is currently in alpha. The API is not stable and may change at any time.

The goal of JWC is to provide a simple, lightweight, and performant way to write web components. It is not a full framework like React or Vue. It is not a library like LitElement or Stencil. It is a framework for writing web components.

Why Jwc?

Jwc supports the following features:

  • Function-based API Not yet implemented
  • JSX
  • TypeScript
  • Web Components

If you are looking for a way to build web components, Jwc is a great choice. You just need some basic knowledge of JavaScript and JSX. You don't need to learn a new templating language.

You have two choices for writing web components: Class-based or function-based:

@Component({ name: "app-element", css: styles })
export class App extends JwcComponent {
  constructor() { super(); }

  @Prop({ default: 0, attr: "count" }) count = 0;
  public onClick = () => { this.count++ }}

  override render() {
		return (
			<div class={"card"}>
				<button onClick={this.onClick}>
					count is {String(this.count)}

// no yet implemented 

export function App() {
  const [count, setCount] = useProp<number>(0);
  const onClick = () => {
    setCount(count + 1);

  return (
    <div class={"card"}>
      <button onClick={onClick}>count is {String(count)}</button>

registerComponent("app-element", App, styles);

With the example code and css style, you can create your own web component, like this:

Why Web Components?

Web Components are a set of standards that allow you to write custom HTML elements. They are a native browser feature that is supported by all modern browsers. They are the future of the web.

Web Components are a great way to write reusable components. They are a standard that is not tied to any framework. They can be used in any framework or without a framework at all.

Made with ❤️ by Wibus and AkaraChen